FESTIVAL is a piece containing several. A show composed of short interventions in Russian doll, a cabaret and a playground. It's a piece inspired by the codes of a festival, in the plurality and the generosity of the proposals. Things that speak to everyone, more specialized things, music, dance, theater, presentations, round tables, micro-conferences.
- 2023
FESTIVAL proposes a disturbing and jubilant experience, a barock'n'roll fireworks display, a parade against self-censorship, a humor show, a war on prejudice, as well as an opportunity to see what we see too little of: dreams, splendid or shameful, but small; tiny dreams, caustic and upsetting, but brief, too small to be able to lead their own lives. Inspired by the multiplicity of forms and aesthetics that can cohabit within a festival, and by the effect that such plurality can produce on spectators, we dreamed up a show that would offer a multitude of cascading propositions. The "festival" format, because of the variety of works to be discovered in a condensed time, seems to us to operate on our judgment, and to alter our "critical conditioning". It is often within the framework of this type of event that we allow ourselves a greater freedom of choice and appreciation than usual. We are thus more likely to be surprised by a film, a concert or a show that we would not have gone to see in any other context. By entering this special time of the festival, we give our critical mind a chance to open up to otherness, to review its judgments, to become more porous.
To come in 2023-2024 :
La Grange de Dorigny, Lausanne (premiere)
Pavillon ADC, Genève
Festival de la Cité, Lausanne