How great is your pride in front of someone who, once you have caught his eye and obtained from him the will to listen, will perceive nothing of which he is certain. What were you trying to tell him?
- 2012
Cette tragédie contemporaine
spectacle d'école 👶
The project looks, with an assumed self-mockery, at the vocabulary of the "dance of intention", at contemporary dance. On the intentions of the movement when it is not abstraction or aestheticism, its intentions and its possible capacity to deliver a precise message by the means of the body in movement. The question of body language and its limits in terms of communication is raised. The process tries to abolish any confusion of intention, any unnecessary movement, in order to express an idea and stick to it. The concepts to be expressed range from an easily articulated body state, to developed thoughts that challenge the body's ability to communicate legibly.
The chosen format of a fake public rehearsal, potentially disturbing, is to be balanced by an immense clarity of the information delivered during this rehearsal, there is no second reading induced.
The dance receives multiple supports: first of all the actress who plays the director/choreographer, brings didascalies and indications. The second "voice" is the one of the chorus, formed by three dancers, which still come to support the dance of the soloist-hero by movements reduced to the essential of the message to deliver, without permission of evolution. It comes rather to underline, and reemphasize by repetitive gestures, the initiating idea which will push the body to move to deliver. The hero, on the other hand, can allow himself to narrate in a more elaborate way, and with more freedom, a sequence that responds to the theme announced by the chorus.